On December 1st, we added to our family. We adopted a kitten, Cally!
After our sweet Jezebel passed away last year, we needed to take some time to heal from the loss. So for nine months, we were a one cat household with Avon.
Avon really stepped up with lots of cuddles and love when we needed it so much. But he was also lonely for a cat companion.
A few months after Jezebel had passed, I was looking through old videos on my computer. I found one of her talking to her toys. (She had a specific meow that she used when talking to them.) I took my computer into the office to show it to David.
Avon heard Jezebel’s voice and came peeling down the hall, looking for her. When she wasn’t there, he went over to the suitcase bed where they would cuddle together, and he started licking it. That moment was so bittersweet. It made me sad & happy that he loved her so much.
As the months passed, Avon became more and more needy. Whenever he’d see me getting ready to go to the gym or out to run errands, he would start climbing up me, desperate to be held. And when I came home after a short while, he acted like I’d been gone for days.
It was clear that Avon needed company.
So on the first day of December, David and I drove to a shelter to visit with their cats.
Meeting Cally
We were looking for someone who would be a good companion for Avon. Someone who wanted to cuddle, groom in the sun, and play. We also wanted to adopt a cat who wouldn’t be super territorial coming into his space.
I noticed a calico kitten who at that point was about 5 months old – Cally.
She got along well with the other cats. She enjoyed snoozing with them, slumped together in little round beds. When an older cat hissed at her, Cally just walked away unfazed.
I picked up little Cally. She immediately relaxed in my arms with one little paw folded over the other.
Adopting an animal isn’t a small decision. Like Sia says, “Puppies are forever. Not just for Christmas.”
And the same is true for cats. The relationship isn’t just for a season. It’s for all of the moves, the ups and downs in health, and the life changes that follow.
So it wasn’t a light thing to sign the papers, put Cally in a carrier, and take her home with us. But there was a lot of excitement too, getting to add to our brood. Someone we get to love for her whole life and beyond.
When we first brought her home, we kept Cally in the TV room apart from Avon. He was very curious. When he eventually saw a peek of her, his hackles were raised, and he hissed. But over time, he became less charged and more curious.
And Cally was completely oblivious to all of it. She’d been with other cats for the whole time she’d been in the shelter – about three months. And before that, she was with her siblings at the trailer park where she was born. (She was born in June, and the last of her litter to be adopted.)
But before we could get used to this new household, Avon got sick.
Avon started hiding away in Jezebel’s car bed and not eating. We assumed he was stressed about Cally’s arrival, but it continued.
Of course, cats only seem to get sick on nights and weekends. So we took him to the emergency vet. They thought it might be a stomach issue. They gave him some medicine for that.
But the next day he was worse. We were back at the emergency vet. They came to the conclusion that he had eaten something he shouldn’t have. It was lodged in his intestine, unable to come out on its own.
So that Saturday night they brought in a surgeon for emergency surgery. Avon spent two nights in the hospital, while we worried endlessly. And finally we were able to bring him home.
For two weeks, Avon wasn’t allowed to run, jump, or play. And he had to be kept away from Cally. We sequestered him in the TV room, and moved all of the furniture out of the room that he might want to jump on. He had to be so confused about what on earth was going on.
Luckily, we had some warm days in December. So we put a space heater on our three seasons porch, and spent some time out there during the day.
Those two weeks with an around the clock medication schedule seemed like it would never end. And then finally, it did.
It’s taken Avon quite a while to get back to his old self. But that hasn’t kept him from connecting with Cally.
Cally & Avon
They are so fun together. They love playing in a four-way tube we have in the living room, and chasing each other through the house. (When little tiny Cally is taking her turn chasing him down the hallway, it’s just too adorable for words.)
Avon would groom Cally constantly if she’d let him. But he usually has to wait until she is tired, and then he slides in for a cuddle.
Cally is very much in her element and seems so happy to have a hammock in the window where she can luxuriate, an office chair that she can quickly usurp when David moves off of it, and a bungalow in the front room, where she can watch the world go by.
She fills the house with cooing. She sounds like a little pigeon when she’s happy, which is often.
It’s so fun having this new little being to love. We all needed each other.
Your furry babies are gorgeous. I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my girl in August, and my boy on the 31st. of December. Worst summer, and worst New Year’s Eve ever.
I saw on Instagram the program you played for Avon and Cally with the birds? Where can I find that for my guys? Thanks.
Oh, my gosh, Alocasia. That is devastating. I’m so sorry that you lost your girl and boy, especially in such close succession. My deepest sympathies to you.
A few years back I wrote about the videos for cats that I play for Avon. (It was from when Jezebel was still alive.) You can find the videos on YouTube. My/their favorite content creator is Paul Dinning.
Awww so sweet! Look at them together <3
My partner misses his buddy George terribly so we will definitely be keeping one eye out for a new feline friend who can hold their own with Vulpe!
I hope you find someone who is just the right fit for your family, Jenny!
Bob Caarter
Loved your story ( and your website), but I would like to encourage others to think about adopting another companion animal, after the loss of one) sooner rather than later, when there is another cat or dog missing them.
I think that we feel guilty in “replacing” them quickly but we should understand that they can never be replaced, but that we are doing the selfless thing in recognizing that their companion cat ( or dog) needs the companionship. Even if we ourselves aren’t ready.
I’m glad you loved the story and my website, Bob!
I respectfully disagree about adopting an animal when a person is not ready. I don’t think that serves anyone to take on a responsibility that she/he may not be up to fulfilling. Self care isn’t selfish.
Speaking for myself, Jezebel was a part of my life for about 15 years, a part of my husband’s life for almost 18 years, and a part of Avon’s life for 3 years (almost 100% of his life). Jezebel required a lot of additional care in the last year of her life, which was a big emotional and physical strain on the whole family. All of us needed time after her passing – not because we worried we were “replacing” her, but because we knew she was completely irreplaceable.
For us, adding a new cat to the mix too early – which requires a good deal of physical & emotional work also – wouldn’t have been a good fit. It would have been stressful for all of us – including Avon. I don’t think it would have helped him to replace one stressful situation with another, even if the latter ultimately had a positive outcome. We needed time to grieve.
I couldn’t/can’t help his sadness for missing Jezebel, any more than I could save my own. Loss is sadly a part of life.
kelly from oregon
Thank you for sharing the story of Cally and all the cute photos. I wrote you when our sweet 19 yr old, Paddy died last April 1st and you had just recently lost Jezebel. We were left with one orange cat just like you…Duffy, who also became very needy. This fall we adopted two kitten brothers from the shelter. So far Duffy hates them, but your story gives me hope that one day it won’t be all hissing and growling. I still miss Paddy dearly, but had room for two kittens to find their way into my heart.
Oh, I have maintained my change to a vegan diet (from lacto vegetarian) since April 2nd without any problem. It’s one of the best things I have ever done.
Thank you for your sweet note, Kelly! I still have your last email in my inbox. I kept meaning to write back, and I apologize that it’s taken me this long.
I’m glad your heart had room for two kitten brothers. You’re so lucky to have each other. I hope with time Duffy will come around. Maybe as they get older, it will get easier. And congratulations on sticking with your vegan diet. That’s marvelous!
Cally is so wonderful, and this is such a lovely story. I am so glad that you all have each other. Every time I see Cally and Avon snuggling, my heart just sings!
Aw, that’s great, Susan. It makes my heart sing too. I really hoped when we adopted Cally that this would be the outcome. It’s amazing that it’s worked out that way.
Cadry!!!! I really hope this comment goes through…fingers crossed! This post was so beautiful and bittersweet and left me crying happy (and sad) tears. The pain of losing a fur baby is awful – leaves a hole in your heart. It’s especially hard to watch your other furry friends grieve, but this story has a wonderful ending! It appears that Avon and Cally needed one another; that Cally was meant to be in your lives. These photos made my heart SO happy! You really captured the beauty of a friendship. Congratulations on the new addition to your family! I look forward to seeing future photos of these two. I lost my sweet Oliver in September to cancer and we’re all still grieving – especially our other cat, Rockford. It’s a weird feeling to be a one animal household and who know what the future will bring?? After reading this post, I really think Rockford needs another cat 🙂 I never got the chance to express my condolences regarding the loss of Jezebel – I’m sending big hugs your way…and give your sweet kitties extra love from me! Thank you for sharing with us!
Thank you for the thoughtful comment, Mandy. I’m glad it came through too! It’s so hard losing a beloved cat or dog family member. They become so completely intertwined with what it means to be home, the pain of their absence is inescapable. You realize how all of your everyday habits were sewn together with them inside.
I’m so sorry about your sweet Oliver. I’m sure you will know the right time when you are ready to adopt another cat. I’m glad to hear from you again, Mandy.
Linda McGuire
They are so sweet together. You take such great pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much, Linda.
Cad, love this story and the pictures. We can’t wait to meet Cally in person. It brings me such joy seeing them enjoying each other so much. They are so lucky to be part of your family.
Thank you, Shell! I can’t wait for you to meet Cally too.
Thank you Cadry for writing about your cat family. Your photos are so precious! Delightful to see how Avon and Cally are best buddies in those photos. We are a 3 cat family (2 black and 1 ginger). Our orange-striped cat named Pumpkin had a similar experience as Avon when he was 2 years old. He was very sick and the vet determined that his intestine was blocked. Emergency surgery was performed to remove a hard piece of plastic that he ate. Pumpkin is now 10 years old and the most lovable and friendly cat we have ever had! Thanks for sharing your story!!
I’m so glad that the vet found Pumpkin’s issue, and that all these years later, he’s still thriving! Thank you for the kind words, Sharon. <3
Cally looks like such a sweetheart, and she seems so happy in her new home! I’m amazed at how much she and Avon cuddle. My cats will groom each other, and will sit next to each other, but they haven’t cuddled like that since they were kittens.
And I’m really happy that Avon is okay after his health scare! My cats always get sick on weekends, too.
Thank you, Dianne. I have been pretty amazed too at how seamlessly they have bonded. I think a lot of it has to do with Cally being a kitten, and also that Avon is just that kind of cat. He is endlessly cuddly. I have never known another cat who even into adulthood needs to be held like a baby, so that he can groom his tail. He’s just a lovebug.
That’s interesting that your cats always get sick on weekends too. Maybe I need to start showing Avon the calendar, so that he can plan accordingly. Haha!
Debra Maslov
Congratulations on your newest family member! Cally is adorable as is Avon, & their cuddling is too sweet! Enjoy being surrounded by purrs & coos. We lost our most beloved 18 year old kitty (Stroodle) almost 2 years ago & are just starting to feel strong enough to adopt a new one. Thank you for this post Cadry. Your happiness is very encouraging.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your Stroodle. I know what you mean about it taking time to feel strong enough to adopt another. After loving someone so fiercely and then losing them, it’s hard to imagine opening your heart to that kind of hurt again. But their love and friendship is also so healing. I’m sure you will know when it’s the right time.
What precious cats you have. They are obviously loved, and it’s a delight to see them bond and become part of the family. I was so sorry about your little girl, and I am glad that you took the time to mourn her and comes to terms with your loss. So many people don’t understand that. Thanks for sharing your story and letting us meet the new kid on the block. They are both beautiful. My husband and kids are allergic to cats, so I can’t have them. I miss the hugs and purring!
Thank you, Mari, for your thoughtful comment. You’re right that it’s definitely important to take time after losing someone so special. I miss Jezebel and her brother, Spike, every day. And I know I always will.
Janis Ware
O.M.G. These photos. I just can’t.
Having followed this story on social media, I was so interested to read this blog and learn more. Thank you for sharing this story and these incredible photos that just made my heart melt. I am so happy for all four of you that everyone is settling in and is healthy. Whew.
And by the way, I have a lot to learn about cat photograhy from you two! We have four cats and a dog and probably thousands of photos of them LOL!
Bless you and David for giving all of your kitties, past, present and future, a wonderful loving home.
Thank you, Janis! I so appreciate your sweet comments. I’m so glad that Avon is over the hump after his health scare, and we can get used to this new normal with Cally. <3
Katherine D Emerson
First of all, Cadry, I am SO sorry to hear that Jezebel passed away xxxxxxxxxxx
It looks like adopting that sweetie-pie Cally has been bliss for her and a real blessing for Avon. I’m so happy to see the kitties so compatible and obviously loving each other – and fitting in perfectly with your household.
Best wishes and Happy New Year to you, David, Avon, and little Cully 🙂
Thank you for your condolences, Katherine. Jezebel was one of a kind, and she is so very, very missed. Best wishes to your family in the New Year too. <3
Pixie @ Cheerfully Vegan
What a precious little girl! I’m so glad you didn’t lose Avon, too, after that scare. Thank you for sharing your family with us. 🙂
It was an incredibly stressful time! Since he’s only 4-years-old, I didn’t think we’d be facing a health scare like that so soon. Thanks for your well wishes. <3